taylor begley | assistant professor of finance

CV | google scholar

research interests

financial intermediation and regulation, mortgage markets, corporate finance, financial contracting, information economics.

working papers

published/forthcoming papers

Disaster Lending: "Fair" Prices, but "Unfair" Access.  [Management Science, 2024]
  (with Umit Gurun, Amiyatosh Purnanandam, and Daniel Weagley) [ssrn version]

Long-Run Labor Costs of Housing Booms and Busts [Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024]
        (with Peter Haslag and Daniel Weagley) [ssrn version]

Firm Finances and the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Nursing Homes. [Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2023, Editor's Choice]
  (with Daniel Weagley) [ssrn version]

Small bank lending in the era of fintech and shadow banking: a sideshow? [Review of Financial Studies, 2022]  
  (with Kandarp Srinivasan) [ssrn version]

Color and Credit:  Race, Regulation, and the Quality of Financial Services. [Journal of Financial Economics, 2021]
  (with Amiyatosh Purnanandam) [ssrn version]

The Strategic Underreporting of Bank Risk. [Review of Financial Studies, 2017]
        (with Amiyatosh Purnanandam and KC Zheng) [ssrn version]

Design of Financial Securities: Empirical Evidence From Private-label RMBS Deals. [Review of Financial Studies, 2017]
        (with Amiyatosh Purnanandam) [ssrn version]